Sunday, December 21, 2008

Random Facts.

Basically, if you know me in real life, I am an open book. I don't keep secrets.

Secrets = lame

it's math

SO this blog is never-ending, every time a have something new to say, I will. lets start!

I dont keep in my emotions. You want the real me? here I am! if not, I dont care youre getting me anyways.

I think I'm the only person who means it when I say I don't carewhat anyone says. I think if I've lived in this world before you, and you don't like me, then I'm fine with living without you again.

I type fast. I am a grammar and spelling freak. I am lazy. all these add up to when I type fast, I don't check for spelling and grammar errors, bare with me.

I love the smell of pie, but hate eating it. unless it's pumpkin or chocolate pudding pie. mmm!

I think German baked goods are equivilant to dried up throw up. I've lived in Germany before, and all the ookies and cakes moisture is sucked out, and that my friend, is baking sin.

Ill add more later!

One Love, One Heart-

Christian music is SATANIC!! and Free Limes!


do people even hear themselves THINK when they say that? there is so much poof that these people who think Christian bands are going to hell cant argue with. Hopefully Jon can help me find scripture, haha.

if someone is worshiping God, who are you to tell them they are doing it wrong? I love to praise God with Relient K and Family Force 5, the only rules to worshiping is to make sure its not for selfish reasons and you are sacrificing something to God, and in Time, embarassment of your voice, etc.

these men Sacrifice family and friend time to go on tour to praise God, and all you can do is write an email saying they are going to hell? shame, just shame. The sing songs that say " I give my all to you", thats no selfish, huns.

who are you to Judge in the first place?
" Why stare at the spec in your nieghbors yea when you have a PLANK in your own?"

who made you God? you have no right to judge! ever!


just remember as you kiss your children to bed, their are men that would do anything to just hear their childs voice as they are on tour. they sacrifice more than you.

here is a song from Family Force 5 that has to do with these people who believe christian rockers are going to hell:

"I got Oppositions every single day
you always want the same thing on the same old way
funny how you think your always right.
who Died and made you God and did it happen over night?

'dont dance like that, anymore
don't where those clothes anymore
dont take that stance anymore
turn it down; do what your told'

Wake up the dead now,
make them roll in their graves now,
shaky shake up the dead now
risin' up fro the ground
wake em up, Shake em down

you like to watch my life touch up on the screens
youve figured out what goes on behind the scenes
got a rumor that you want to show and tell,
no bodys gonna buy the lie youre trying to sell

'dont talk like that anymore
dont speak your mind anymore
dont think those thoughts anymore,
turn it down, do what your told'


wake up you sleepy head get out of bed
if we make some noise we'll wake the dead
make them roll in their graves when they hear this sound
raise em up from the ground
turn em up side down


this song amazes me. let me clarify it for you.being young, alot of christian adults arent used to it, so they think it is bad. they are "dead" to any new thing that comes along that isnt like what they are used to, e.i. christian rock. they think the only way is their way. they try to change us, but their way doesnt appeal to young people who need Jesus, music is big in kids life, and rock appeals to them, I konw someone who was saved listening to FF5, that is amazing. I think I might know THREE, actually...
but when they say "wake up the dead" it means to get them to realize this wonderful movement rock is doing for christians. and that these people are liying, no facts, and hurting people in the process.

I think people take the bible TOO literally.

did you know, there is a song by showbread, that a fan made a video for it? this video had alot of controversy. the video were clips of scary movies, nothing wrong, right? well, showbread liked it, and they put it up on their myspace. some christians thought it was an official music video and they got made, because they are a chhristain band "promoting murder" which isnt true. they think showbread is promoting it, whis makes them think they are going to hell. wow. way to judge. God never says "thou shall not watch scary movies" it says " do not kill", there IS adifference.

another thing is, people hate when christian bands dont say the word GOD or JESUS in their songa. like FF5 for example. people think they worship themselves because they dont add Gods name in their songs.

here is an (in)direct quote from their guitarist, Derek "Chap Stique" Mount:

" God spoke through enigmatic parables to make you think, we think that this should be expressed in our music, to get kids to think"

I think that is soo smart of them. I love hearing snippets of their song that Ive heard 49857430857 times before, and being like "OH! so THATS what they mean!"

also, people get mad at House of Heroesa and FF5 because they dont label their music as "christian rock", they say "a rock band of christians", why? well, because of this quote:

Christian is a beautiful noun, it is when it is an adjective that ruins the meaning."

meaning anything these days labeled christian has a bad connatation to it, and so bands like HoH do it because they dont want to lessen the name of christianity.

I wanted to share to you a cute story from a friend of mine:

"A lime truck near my house crashed and limes went every where, so the neighborhood, including my parents, decided they needed several bags of limes.

I am still not sure what a family can do with several bags of limes, in fact I cannot think of a fruit with less uses than a lime.

When life gives you limes...

...learn to juggle, cause there is not much else you can do.

your friend,


Oe Love, Love One, Alyssa

Please visit , he's a genious.

God is Lying?!

let me inroduce myself, though all of you know me, I think there is one thing you ALL need to know.

I am a proud Christain. I love Love. I know God is Love, I have pet peeves about the way some Christians behave.. this to me, makes perfect sense.


I go to Camarillo Community Church. and I go for 3 reasons that I hope don't offend you.

1) to Worship the Lord through music so sweet, the worship there is more moving than I have ever imagined. yes, its Christian Rock, got a problem with that? well, wait till next Friday and find out my opinion.

2) Because of the church, church means people of the Lord, and God wants us to be surrounded by people we know that will help us in our walk in Faith. yes, they are hypocrites. so are you, get over it.

3)because of the hate I see towards my church, it makes me turn off to other churches.

truth is, all us Christians, around the globe, are one big church, and so when I say Im turned away from other churches due to hate, thats not me dividing ourselves, it's both of us. We all need to act the same, like Jesus.

Jesus was 3 people, but I think people miss the fact that he was three in ONE. so, if we are all one church, and we should act like Jesus, why are we taught differently?

essentially, there are 2 types of Christains, The Lovers, and the what Isaac would say "Turn or Burners" or "the ones who be drinkin Hateraide" (thank you, Solomon) I think the Lovers have the right idea, so do the TOBers, but their exicution, lets just say, not so good.

Jesus would never go up to someone and tell them in an arrogant voice
"UHHH; You know I'm all-powerful, right? so, uhh, you wanna believe in me? kinda sucks if you don't, cause I'll slam DUNK your booty to Hell! chicka chicka, BOO-YA!!"

So why do some of us? there is a great Nooma video on it, check itout, they are AMAZING. back to the subject, Jesus wo7uld show love, whichh we all need to do.

1) dont just show Love, LOVE love, care and nurture this broken soul, it will take a while for them to trust you. a couple weeks, months even a year or two.
2) ask the person about there beliefs, once they trust you, dont say anything about God, just listen to what they have to say.
3) tell them about the wonderful things Goid says, ask them if they mind you reading Luke to them.
4)tell them you love them, and mean it. Tell them you are worried for them, that you want to be with them for eternity, but you are scared for their future.
5) in a loving way, reveal to them that without Jesus, Heaven can't be reached, and that you love them.

so most of you are freaking out about my title. well, let me explain.

I hate when people use the word "pretty" or "ugly" to describe themselves.why should we dwell on what the world sees as these things? aren't we as Christians supposed to be like Christ, and NOT be so vien?

God made you and everyone else in the image of him. if you call someone or yousrself ugly, then your basically calling God ugly, which is a no go.

and, God is perfect, he made you you for a reason, and saying your ugly is like a slap in the face to Him. it's like saing he made a mistake.

was God lying when He said he doesn't make mistakes? No! God ain't no lier, son!

perasonally, I call myself beautiful, because I am a child of Christ, and that is whatr determines my beauty.

Just a thought.

One Love, One Heart-

If God Starred in His Own Commercial...

Have you Ever wondered what a commercial about God would be like?
Have you ever thought of the photoshop, and graphics he'd use,
would he use Humor, or would he use the turn or burn aspect?

the thing is, We need to talk about God the way God would talk about himself.

do you do that?

For example, there is a girl at my school, and I know she loves God, but, i don't know, I can just see the bitternesss and apathy in her vioce when she talks about God. because ' like, I don't know....maybe just, *sighs* I don't know prepare your speeches?'<--thats how she talks. I'm not bad mouthing her, it's just seems to me like she talks about walking and walks while talking, and she's so busy preparing for God, that she doesn't sit to appratiate what God put in front of her nose. for example, she judges SO much, she doesn't like anythign she's never experienced, she pretty much thinks anyone who cusses is gonna go to Hell, and anyone asssiated with them is going down too, I mean at least thats how she comes off..

but what she doesn't see is what Jesus sees, and fortunately, what I see too. Two of my BEST friends cuss and say what they shouldn't, I'm NOT saying it's ok, but I AM saying God forgives, and thoug I'm trying ot make them stop, it doesn't mean I'M going to stop hanging out with them because they don't meet YOUR standards, They meet Gods standards to be loved. They LOVE God, and you shouldn't judg

"Why point out the spec in your nieghbors eye when you have a plank in your own?"

thats in the bible, son.

would God use this in his comercial, would he say "Well, um...So what you need to do is love Me, because Um, I don't know, I told you to?" while a bunch of awesome effect in the background go off?


I think it would be straight forward, no graphoics nothing but him, sitting down, and saying how much he loves you.

maybe we need to do that.

Just a Thought..

One Love, Love One-

Alyssa Woodard

God is One Funny Dude..

I don't think we relize enough how everything good in our lives is because of the man upstairs.

I mean, when something amazing happens like we get a brand new car, or permission from our parents to live in a different country without them, we usually imiadatly thank God.(those of us who are chritians, that is)

And when we give thanks to God we give him the praise, which is what we should do. it should be like recycling, God gives us something amazing, we should give something back to him.

But do we ever stop to give him praise for the smallest things, like laughter? usually not. when we laugh were in the moment and never really thank God for letting us have people in our lives to laugh with.

And have you ever thought who makes us lagh the most? You might be suprised to hear, that "person" is God. I''ve been reading 2 Sam. lately, and most of it applies to my life. Like giving loive to those who did us SO many wrongs, because when they die, we'll never have the chance to forgive and love again, and when we do something good, we should give God thanks because without him, we wouldn't be existing without him right now.I recently have been excited for small things too.Like I recently painted my furniture, which was one of the ugliest things I've ever seen, and thay look so much bettert now with paint. I give God all the glory for that.

When I read things in the bible that I apply to my life really makes me laugh my face off. Sometimes I think the Bible is the wrong title of God's book, and it's really
"Step by Step Instructions on How Alyssa Paige Woodard, Born November 4th Who's favorite color is Neon,loves 80's clothing and Vintage Furniture Should Live Her Life"
The book feels like it's soo specifically made for me, it's crazy. When life seems to be crapping all over me, God seems to sneaks in something in the bible it's kinda hilarious.

Ryan Dalbey, a college leader at my church seems to say this all the time. latley he's been dealing with the word faith. It had been going on and on in his miond the whole week, and when he turned his bible to a random page, it reminded him of what faith really is, and as he always does,he looked up to heaven and said "God, you are one funny guy."

I have recently done that, because God has the funniest humor of all of us. we are reminded everyday to read our bible and when we don't, our life turns to mush we decide to read the bible, and our answer was in there the whole time.

take everything God gives us, and give it right back.

Just a Thought..

One Love, One Heart-